Need Help?
We are here for you.
When you call Micah’s Place, an advocate will help you evaluate the degree of danger that exists in the relationship and help you prepare a safety plan to address your immediate need. Everything you say to us will remain entirely confidential.
Every member of our team wants to support and uplift you, and we are hear to listen without judgement. We recognize that sometimes it’s difficult to realize the danger you are in, because you’ve coped so well, for so long. However, it is vital that you call as soon as you suspect abuse so that you can come up with a safety plan to reduce the abuser’s opportunity to hurt you and your family.
Nassau County Residents: Please call 904-225-9979 for shelter eligibility
Our TTY Number for the helpline is 904-321-6431
Outside Nassau County: Please call the FL statewide DV Helpline 1-800-500-1119
Types of Abuse
Physical abuse is deliberately hurting or injuring someone. This could include: hitting,
pushing, shaking, spitting, pinching and shoving.
Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior in which the perpetrator insults, humiliates, and generally instills fear in an individual in order to control them.
Financial abuse may include tactics to conceal information, limit the victim's access to assets, or reduce accessibility to the family finances.
Abusive sexual behavior and harrassment by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another.
Our Services

24/7 Helpline
Always answered by trained advocates offering crisis support, service entry, and safety planning. Available by call or text at 904-225-9979

Outreach Advocacy
All of our program services are available to survivors who already have a safe space to live.

Emergency Shelter
A safe space to call home. Our shelter provides all basic needs including meals and personal care items.

Community Education
We offer professional and youth trainings to help prevent and end the cycle of violence through education.

Legal Aid & Advocacy
We have an Attorney on staff who can help you complete Injunction for Protection (restraining) orders, and can give other legal advice. We also provide court advocacy and accompaniment.

Support Groups
We offer support groups and counseling to survivors both in shelter and in our community. Please call for more information.